So why on this heat map is Britain shaded brown and not green when the lawn in my garden is absolutely zero scorched anymore!

They would not be exaggerating with their colour usage would they? Or have the scientists recently discovered there is only one colour, brown?

I mean sure I have had 40c on my shed sensor in last 4 years… and I recall an analog thermometer I left out in the sun at front of my house elsewhere that literally blew it’s top it was that hot 20+ years ago!

I reckon for every sensor in an airport need two in middle of a wood/forest should bring the average down, but how they love cutting down trees eh! burning wood somehow more ecological than gas or the higher fractions of oil eh!

And as I said in another post, how many tonnes, megatons, have they exploded in ukraine so far, 50% of that by weight is converted to carbon monoxide, an ozone layer destroyer…. and 6% to carbon dioxide eh!

I think the problem the plebeians have got is that the highest science is bullshit and psycho-babble… just ask that halpern character eh! or whoever it is still employs that ferguson thing eh! the borganism eh! big problem! they got all the weapon toting thugs on their side.. and murderous rapists like that couzens are actually their core staff, only he got caught eh!

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