I thought it was heatwave “Cerberus” (the hell-hound) only a couple of days ago… now it’s heatwave “Charon” to ferry all the dead across the styx eh!

The brainwashing of the plebeians is what is at record levels eh! And the choice of names eh! Terrifying eh! How long until heatwave “Satan”? only a matter of hours probably?

And in other brainwashing, all these cunts encouraging/forcing 16 and 60 year old Ukranians to be killed on the front line over the ludicrous demands of a few w.e.f. international-bankster tools in their government (probably the bentest government in europe no less) to ban speaking russian and force tranny indoctrination on children eh! Western governments will never get their money back unless the ukranians win eh! Well never mind it was never them on the hook for the money anyway, just their populations tax bill eh! Pretty sure zelensky will be off to israel like his parents or the u.s. if things get hairy… if he has actually even set foot in ukraine in the last 2 years. Would not surprise me if it was all green screen in some polish studio.

Out of interest, how many metric tonnes of explosives do they estimate they (those driving this war by refusing to abide by the existing treaty over donbass) have caused to be exploded in Ukraine so far.

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