H.G. Wells, “The New World Order”, first few pages make a lot of sense!

Downloaded it ages ago, and skimmed a bit back then, but think I read more of another of his “NWO” books at that time…

so doing a search for something or other, spotted it and thought, well, man, the introand end to the time machine is like so tragedy, he knows the heartstrings…

and it’s like, yeah what it was in 1940 from a man more big in the late 1800’s, 1895 “The Time Machine” (which is the imagination…)

then it gets a bit wordy, rather have a good reader speak the actual text to me in the background a few times….

though I may add Wells did not point out the commies as the bad-guys in “the new world order”, instead focused on ze germans as ze baddies, like perhaps eric-blair (george orwell) did play more on commie big-brother, though could equally have been national-socialists I guess as villains-stereotype in 1984. (though actually I think 1984 had like the extra-order equation of who it was running the war-is-peace? the culthood-of-power an extra two-orders, to stand outside the equation and say this equation is shit from this perspective but makes sense from that eh! us and them!, actually orwell adds two extra orders… the “heroes” prepared to throw acid in childrens faces, ok three extra orders, like in the faces of the little “spies” kids of his neighbour eh!))

Ragnar-Redbeard’s (not Baldrick’s) cunning plan eh!

I guess you might pan-out and say, who loves money more, boris-grubby-grabbing-mish-mash-johnson, putin, zelensky, charlie, slo-jo, trump etc…

I’d say it was quite hilarious them claiming president putin is some kind of dictator with a modest mansion in nicest bit of russia, compared to charlie and his multiple massive estates in brithain and commission on all livery, old-vampire-coot-executive-account etc. etc et-fucking-cetera…

I mean I am not the resistance until the tanks roll up at my door and say, “my liege, the entire British army is at your disposal”, LOL, and I fear I may dispose of them all too quickly with arrogant generals eh!

And… what H.G. said in first few pages about business thinking governments would become subservient to big-business seems actually what has happened… and so books like this and what it says about political discussion have been memory-holed and indeed now you cannot say what many people of the past have said, it seems to me, correctly… i.e. want to know who rules over you… see who you cannot criticise eh!

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