Seems to me all this latest wave of immigrants are another sly unpaid army of the usual suspects!

Like the tax I paid on the booze I bought tonight went to pay for the black recent immigrant behind me in the fucking slow checkout queue, one fucking human checkout eh, blick trying to intimidate me eh! I guess the moral of that tale is do not buy booze or tobacco and you will not be funding the usual-suspects immigrant anti-white army at ludicrous tax rates eh!

The first wave of immigrants of the usual suspects was the Chinese coolies they imported to work on the docks in WW2 or was it WW1? it definitely was in ww1 but maybe the backlash was ww2 eh! Was serious backlash to that! (dockers unions once upon a time eh!)

SS Bumrush eh! was not the british government inviting them in, was the usual suspects bought a scrap German “Strength through Joy” ship and of their own accord put up adverts in the Caribbean to get some cheap labour in and tenants for the usual-suspect slum landlords…

Thatcher and her two flanking jew tory grandees eh! The rest is a foregone conclusion! a fait accompli! Oh she was a “Lady” eh! could do not wrong at the tip of the bint takeover! That vaccine can’t be bad as some wicked witch invented it eh! and was damed for it eh!

CPAC 2022 Prof. Ian Plimer – Green Murder

This bloke seems to make sense, I’ll be honest I did think Professor Sir Les Patterson when I watched it LOL, no but really he seems to make sense. Climatologists, a new brand of sorcery eh! Second only to Economists!

Green Murder
Les Patterson Saves The World

TheCrowhouse certainly collates some good stuff!

Yes he has recently started mentioning “the men in small hats”, but anyone that studies and researches background of people surely cannot miss that unless they have some programmed mental block, I mean I grew up in England in an age where “jewed” was a current term to describe a certain set of conditions…. One thing I have noticed is what I reckon is a masonic kind of photograph where one woman is in front, flanked by two men in the background in a triangle/pyramid, the era was one where thatcher did such a shot with two tory jews behind her, but the one really interesting one and was first of those pyramid photos I saw was possibly jocelyn wilder in her alien era but with two almost identical alien featured men behind her, made me think of the Bulwer-Lytton novel… Vrill eh!

Anyway, like ze bodybuilder on the interview had two complete blood changes after the four vaxes (just some more gas eh!) and talked about heavy metals etc. being removed from his blood, and then died, I’m like was it the stupid level of attention to his own body and the blood changes got him killed? the vax? or talking about the vax in the interview…. ????

And then in another viddy snippet the A.I. has come up with a way to use a wifi router signals to do a body position map visual video of the internals of a house…. probably not quite there yet and they were working on that a few years ago anyway…

As if history was not crazy enough… the rapidity of mind-boggle after mind-boggle of the fucking modern world eh!


And actually I do not much like crows, not called a “murder” of crows for nothing I think… But they are intelligent!

Oh yeah the corporat-king local supermarket just installed very large tablet-like wide-vertical-angle camera scanners at the self checkout (no-one on the human checkouts) which are quite high res and project the selfie image-video back at you, I was checking my image, how cool do I look? LOL exactly what they want you to do, front and two profiles eh! And the paki on security probably got viddy from all cams in a multi-paned display eh! Supermarkets obviously flush with cash and special w.e.f. world-bank low-interest surveillance-cam loans eh!

Alex Jones and the “Everyone tagged by bluetooth in the vaccine” fairy tale!

Everybody has already voluntarily tagged themselves with bluetooth by owning a mobile phone and bluetooth headphones etc. etc. and if you are scanning out in the wilds, if you have a mobile phone then 99.9% of other people that pass you will also have a bluetooth phone so you certainly will scan their phone bluetooth id.

Also it is current technique to vary the bluetooth mac and the wifi mac in latest android and ios I think to avoid being easily fingerprinted as it was acknowledged as a privacy concern. Though more complex fingerprinting methods still exist based on capabilities advertised.

Should be easy to debunk, sure you could find 100 friends/associates who would agree to be frisked for bluetooth devices and leave them at an agreed place then walk out away from obvious base stations and then do the scan on them.

In fact if you really wanted to do that test you would want a few expensive software defined radios that can sweep a wide spectrum… if they stuck some transponders in, probably not bluetooth!

Yet Another Judas Goat?

Anyone that supported Kanye West seems dubious to me… Not because he is black, but just from his so called “fashion” line and “fashion sense” surely any reasonable person can see he’s a few whatevers short of a full load. Like that malcolm mclaren and vivien westwood and the punk shite, surely all run by a perverse big-money set! Though compared to biden of course Kanye is quite normal.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and “The friend of my friend is my friend” and “The friend of my enemy is my enemy” are all partial truths… all truer or falser depending on the actual parties in question and the time, but are not outright truisms.

Eureka! The Solution! Immigrants are either castrated and let in or get back in the boat and fuck off!

Eureka! The Solution! Immigrants are either castrated and let in or get back in the boat/bus/plane and fuck off!

I guess then you may get the Chinese eunach problem… they start thinking of other things than sex eh! Instead they start thinking of cunning plans of usurpation eh! But just do not allow them anywhere near power.

I think the vast majority will get back on the boat and fuck off!

I don’t think we should let refugees in unless where they come from is so bad they would rather lose their bollocks by coming here! Expect us to fight for them which will result in British troops having bits blown off eh! Fuck That, go get your own bits blown off you CUNT! Some ludicrous twattoed ukranian cunts I saw tonight… real flood of immigrants in this market town. And I am the fucking outsider eh!

And the castrated ones we let in will be of no use to the witches that want them for their purposes eh!

I think in conclusion, sung in castrato (the highest male singing register that people used to cut their balls of to sing in!!! or rather perhaps cut their kids balls off so they could continue to sing in it….)…

This nation has not got the balls for it, This Nation has not got the balls for it, the balls for it this nation has not got.

Though the utter cunts at the cuntrols will happily play with starting a nuclear war eh!

Climate Cultists try to block pride parade because it’s sponsored by polluters…

The police immediately removed them!

The queer steamroller shall not be held up eh!

Population reduction agenda eh! Only those that can afford their genetically tweaked kids grown in vats will be allowed them eh!

Really the core of what they portray as the nazi agenda… but was always really also their agenda, the wedgewoods etc. genetically pure eh! Sure the third world will be able to natural breed, those not sterilised by vaccines and shit in the water supply.

The following article shows title page of a 1992 document that confirms to me why the hidden hand backed the suffragettes back i n the 1900-1920 period, recognising the evil-witch potential of them, handing out white feathers to men not in uniform eh! Every dead tommy is a job for a woman eh!

“womens health” advocates and “scientists” meet to discuss fertility regulating vaccines.

bill gates inventor of the computer virus eh!

When you wonder who the hidden hand are I would say any jews that died in the concentration camps were not the jewish elite… the jewish bankster elite were escorted out of germany on a special train. And one elite jewish woman that was left behind, allegedly over a spat, actually survived the concentration camps eh! And that george soros, so I read, was denouncing other jews and described the war years as great for him! That was Hungary, and could be, like Finland another axis power they did not generally hand over their jews. I think the same may have been generally true of Vichy, though over a million actual native French were carted off as slave labour for the nazi’s apparently. So if you were a student of cunning plans, you might observe that effectively all those jews in the camps were like an army in it’s effect from absolving all that say they are jews presently from any criticism. You might say the jews won the second world war without firing a shot eh! Well I think in that case using the collective “the jews won the war would be correct and not anti-semitic” but to say who the hidden hand are, well lurking in that bunch… and all groups probably… but the other interesting point about considering those in the concentration camps as an army is, the zionists did not have to pay a single shekel for that armies upkeep, nor supply a single bullet eh! Check the map of palestine 1945 vs. 1947 eh! All the British troops got after the war was more rationing eh! Even those maltreated badly by the japanese, but to them the ration diet probably feast-like.

Oh yeah, and that absolutely hilarious and jaw-dropping “My Fellow Whites” website that unmasked jews on the internet spewing white hatred posing as whites, using the phrase “My Fellow Whites”. FFS mind boggling, that page was taken down obviously!

But now that set cannot be criticised, as any criticism means you want to holocaust the jews, any use of the word “holocaust ™” as a term of reference (like Bridgen) means you want to holocaust the jews eh! And like a recent jewish harvard professor proclaiming hatred for the white race was described by media as “White” eh! So they seem a good candidate as the culprits… and that Fritz Haber so-called “German” but jew, inventor of poison gas for use against troops like troops were vermin eh! Though obviously having your lower half blown off by dynamite also not terribly pleasant. Nobel eh! that great “peace” prize eh! (Though he probably did not invent dynamite with the idea of sticking it in cannon shells)

It seems to me someone like Hitler, not even a corporal, does not rise to power without serious financial clout. My opinion is that the hidden hand (having robbed all the yank and british gold gold and replaced it with paper back in the 17 and 1800’s) kind of play the world… pay to play…. Well, the protocols of elders of zion are a good plan if nothing else, but kind of just bread and circuses updated. You do not pay an army without something eh!

So the question is, was Hitler a good choice for those who selected him???? Well, no german industrialist was hung eh! they all did very nicely out of it! I’m not sure if even a single person from any german industrialist family was killed by bombing during the war, maybe a few of their male children, after their iron-cross, first-class with fucking fairy-wings, died trying to march a platoon in combat or running away!.

In summary I would say population control is necessary! Personally I would do it differently by good education. Though like in a fertile area then a large family is useful for the families benefit and possibly the greater good. The core attack from the hidden hand seems to be replacing the family as the core unit. Which may work better in an urban environment, so like there is two sets of circumstances, areas where sterilisation or birth control is better and areas where large families are better, I suppose attitudes on fornication are key to the whole thing! No longer a Christian nation and fornication seems the new replacement religion… along with climate and race and gender-imagination (like if a 50 year old man in drag says he’s a 6 year old girl, who are we to argue eh! Well fuck that! that is fucking lunacy!!!!) and politically-correct piety!

I think forced sterilisation or castration for all these immigrants arriving (or fuck off back to where you came from) would be a “miracle deterrent” for the invader so an so’s!

I read that someone with rank in French authorities had referred to the immigrant rioters as vermin!… I think it’s much worse than that!

I think the immigrants are actually the vermin brethren of the vermin that run all of the western countries and ukraine. Lesser vermin-brethren admittedly, mainly a worker caste of vermin, but essential vermin tools for the brahmin-vermin that run all nato countries to overpower the natives with a vermin majority!

I think even with their vermin-ideology techniques for splitting the natives they still need a large vermin dalit/worker caste bringing in as they may not have split us enough yet!

Obviously an absolute classic ensuring RAF pilots are only of the vermin-ideology sect and not allowing white males to become pilots when the battle of britain 2 is looming eh! Won’t be able to count on any of the RAF in a civil war eh! I suppose you could probably console yourself with the knowledge that they will probably be bombing their own side at a greater rate than formerly!

Thats why nothing had been done for 40 years to curb immigration even though all governments have lyingly claimed they have plans to curb immigration, they are lying vermin!

And you can see from my last article the vermin at the daily mail are trying to start up another blm set of riots by not objectively stating the facts but rather echoing the perps. accomplices claims, as obviously riots etc. sells papers/hits for the daily mail vermin!

I reckon number one triumvirate of vermin to be rid off is the bankster/bilderberger vermin and the w.e.f. vermin and the nato-area leadership vermin.

I reckon we could declare ukraine the new “pale of the settlement” and deport all the vermin-brahmin there.

Time is running out, the A.I. great replacement is here!

2000AD Judge Dredd did a classic story where Justice Dept. had robot judges lined up and ready to go, and an arch criminal had got inside the robots programming and infiltrated justice dept. policy-making with usual bribery and corruption and ideology routes so justice dept. introduced the robot judges and the arch criminal took them over, fucking awesome story!

They have printed it separately in a stand-alone novel I just discovered, I have it in the original comics… well most of it… its called Mechanismo! (Actually I may be thinking of a different story where the villain uses military robots as he has infiltrated the weapons companies.)

Vermin is two things, a concept of an animal that multiplies rapidly and causes problems for other animals, for example women in management/bureaucracy, and vermin is also a legally defined term of the animals you can shoot as vermin.

Why are the daily mail quoting the allegations of the illegal joyriders accomplice? as it’s main headline!

I think the daily mail should have its metaphorical mouth sown shut on such things!

The kid that was shot was joyriding in possibly a stolen car and had no licence or insurance at a time of the day when Kids were going to school! And quite probably on drugs! So the police were right to stop him, and he definitely tried to drive away…. no audio on the video so cannot tell when the gun was fired.

The kid looks like a a quite typical arrogant islamic so and so!

If only Thames Water had had a “Lady” Boss it would have all been OK eh!… Oh! Hold On, they did have a lady boss!

These massive debts all the water companies have got, does that correlate precisely with how much they have been paying shareholders in dividends and bosses in massive wages and bonuses. In the comments on the mirror article someone actually states the same

Seems what these lady bosses are good at, running things into the ground and paying themselves loads of money eh!

Or coming up with fucking ludicrous “deport them to rwanda” schemes, may as well have suggested catapulting them over Hadrians wall eh! I mean I bet any cunt that turns up here from rwanda will get instant asylum claiming rwanda is a too oppressive place for his cannibal tendencies eh!

That rotten cunt thatcher eh! Inviting in all those asian cunts the Kenyans and Ugandans were throwing out! I bet if Uganda and Kenya had not thrown out the asians they would be approaching asian majority population by now!