I read that someone with rank in French authorities had referred to the immigrant rioters as vermin!… I think it’s much worse than that!

I think the immigrants are actually the vermin brethren of the vermin that run all of the western countries and ukraine. Lesser vermin-brethren admittedly, mainly a worker caste of vermin, but essential vermin tools for the brahmin-vermin that run all nato countries to overpower the natives with a vermin majority!

I think even with their vermin-ideology techniques for splitting the natives they still need a large vermin dalit/worker caste bringing in as they may not have split us enough yet!

Obviously an absolute classic ensuring RAF pilots are only of the vermin-ideology sect and not allowing white males to become pilots when the battle of britain 2 is looming eh! Won’t be able to count on any of the RAF in a civil war eh! I suppose you could probably console yourself with the knowledge that they will probably be bombing their own side at a greater rate than formerly!

Thats why nothing had been done for 40 years to curb immigration even though all governments have lyingly claimed they have plans to curb immigration, they are lying vermin!

And you can see from my last article the vermin at the daily mail are trying to start up another blm set of riots by not objectively stating the facts but rather echoing the perps. accomplices claims, as obviously riots etc. sells papers/hits for the daily mail vermin!

I reckon number one triumvirate of vermin to be rid off is the bankster/bilderberger vermin and the w.e.f. vermin and the nato-area leadership vermin.

I reckon we could declare ukraine the new “pale of the settlement” and deport all the vermin-brahmin there.

Time is running out, the A.I. great replacement is here!

2000AD Judge Dredd did a classic story where Justice Dept. had robot judges lined up and ready to go, and an arch criminal had got inside the robots programming and infiltrated justice dept. policy-making with usual bribery and corruption and ideology routes so justice dept. introduced the robot judges and the arch criminal took them over, fucking awesome story!

They have printed it separately in a stand-alone novel I just discovered, I have it in the original comics… well most of it… its called Mechanismo! (Actually I may be thinking of a different story where the villain uses military robots as he has infiltrated the weapons companies.)

Vermin is two things, a concept of an animal that multiplies rapidly and causes problems for other animals, for example women in management/bureaucracy, and vermin is also a legally defined term of the animals you can shoot as vermin.

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