Seems to me all this latest wave of immigrants are another sly unpaid army of the usual suspects!

Like the tax I paid on the booze I bought tonight went to pay for the black recent immigrant behind me in the fucking slow checkout queue, one fucking human checkout eh, blick trying to intimidate me eh! I guess the moral of that tale is do not buy booze or tobacco and you will not be funding the usual-suspects immigrant anti-white army at ludicrous tax rates eh!

The first wave of immigrants of the usual suspects was the Chinese coolies they imported to work on the docks in WW2 or was it WW1? it definitely was in ww1 but maybe the backlash was ww2 eh! Was serious backlash to that! (dockers unions once upon a time eh!)

SS Bumrush eh! was not the british government inviting them in, was the usual suspects bought a scrap German “Strength through Joy” ship and of their own accord put up adverts in the Caribbean to get some cheap labour in and tenants for the usual-suspect slum landlords…

Thatcher and her two flanking jew tory grandees eh! The rest is a foregone conclusion! a fait accompli! Oh she was a “Lady” eh! could do not wrong at the tip of the bint takeover! That vaccine can’t be bad as some wicked witch invented it eh! and was damed for it eh!

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