Old Radio Sci Fi play “A logic named Joe” a plausible backfire of A.I.

And an interesting prediction of the current era, siri/alexa etc. They just played it on Pumpkin Strange internet radio. From 1946 short story by Murray Leinster.



Also saw a TED talk or similar snippet about being able to ask unrestricted AI how to hack a router/device and even write the exploit code in the script language of your choice. And that is present state for those that can pay for access to unrestricted AI.

We are entering the age of rapid evolution/merging-with-technology for the rich eh! Pay for your own evolution eh! Whilst the poorer white natives cannot even get dental treatment eh!

South Korean Scout jamboree, a very bleak choice of place! Not a tree in sight!

I recall as a scout being at a London Jamboree years ago in some large park, but there were quite a few trees about, and it was really a great time, kind of designated activity areas and a map and stuff! cool!

The Korean place just looks post apocalypse bleak! Like how could they choose such a crap spot? Modern world eh! Modern “leaders” (even bigger scumbags tools) eh!

Sure Korea has some nice places! Like surely Scouts could be trusted in a national park eh! ??? modern scouts eh! f@ck knows!


I think the south Park episode “IT” (The Entity) was/is sublime caricature of modern “green” movement! The future of green transport!

South Park sums up modernity, yeah guess you are quite horizontally anchored, better than any public explanation of how exactly you could fly a broomstick!

Turns out actually there was a motorised wheel LOL


Of course actually the monowheel centrifugal force and natural balance keep you upright, I still think riding a broomstick, except vertically, is impossible

Logic/Rationale check! Can’t import whole of third world so to be fair to them all, import none?

I mean you might say someone is of this or that persecuted persuasion, and indeed as a Christian say certain persuasions are not really acceptable, say for example a psycopath that likes to murder and bully using the shitstem/propaganda-hype like that zelensky get rich quick scheme, I find it ludicrous that ukraine is warning Russia, only with nato psycho-bullies-via-the-shitstem big brothers backing eh!

I mean the ukraine maidan colour revolution thing was mental, people shooting protestors from sniper points, like the whole syria thing, I’m like on the one hand the colour protests were clearly a corporat-king plan, but snipers shooting protesters, I’m more for overt display of power (with restraint) like the Egypt protests where that wimmin-force reporter was groped by the people she was supporting for her reporters-pay! Like yeah the establishment can play whack a mole/protester big-time… But I think even though big crowds in syria/egypt/ukraine protests the majority of all those countries if not pressed-by-shouty-psychos would be for the status quo, certainly not for being turned into some ww1 bombed-out landscape if they were informed of the actual choices. The Libya before and after/present-time images eh! Sure some worse than Qaddafi warlords there now!

And as for these immigrants to britain presently (last 40 years), is there any polling firm not run by foreign interests of one type or another? that could be trusted to get a genuine poll? out of 1000 londoners as a representative sample of britain no-LOL

Pol-Pot had a point, those intelligentsia are sell-out agents of bigger-money! Not that in a fair society the skilled should not be rewarded well, nor that the laborours should not also be paid well! but so say all people are equal is not the same as saying they all have some intrinsic right to exist, like the yank right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness… but not in the form of the classic south park “Guitar Queer-O” where they had the spoof console game “Chase the Dragon”. These homeless druggies are a blight when there is no reason they could not be a bit productive, like in a nice homeless-druggy concentration camp, and train them to keep it nice!

Funny to think that the justice system is probably also going to say they cannot house the immigrants in tents either! (two boats refused docking and the barge unusable)

Suggest housing the worst immigrants in the temple (the templar-bar) eh! maybe attitudes would change! A lawyer can’t get from one chamber to another without being stabbed, raped and mugged at least once LOL (though the may enjoy the being raped eh! my theory is the state of the cuntery is directly proportional to the number of private and other school sado-masochist-perverts at the cuntrols)

got a tendency to hop around my topics, but I find it quite funny that that whatever-the-witches-name-is that wrote the harry botter novels has been unpersoned by the “harry-botter-fan-club” – it’s hokus-poke-arse! it is fucking lunacy, chopping tits off or these t-pots playing at playing quiditch without actual flying broomsticks eh! how fucking ludicrous eh! OK flying micro-nuke-plant powered broomsticks may be on the scientific horizon but…. well, they did do that lesser known film recently about a near future extreme body-mod society… kind of hellraiser… of course she/he/it has not been debanked eh! having done such great service to witchcraft eh! not that I hold farage up as any hero, either a stupid c@nt, or an evil c@nt I reckon, obviously he was not debanked for not having enough money eh! the massive lies about brexit eh! like he did not know exactly how it would play out with any slight knowledge of logistics eh! reminds of this fat-bully low/middle manager was bought in by the management to de-employ anyone the office zeitgeist did not want eh! and promote certain nepotistic mongo remote-drone types.

Of course I am aware of the paradox of observing gravity as some scientific empirical force and not something easily overcome by praying to the right deity/judges-boss. Flat-Earth eh! let’s say I have read 2000AD “Maze World” all you really know is what you were taught, and the ruler has an evil-magician accomplice… And I would say of China if they really reflect their cinema then it seems all pretty much heroic stuff! So much better than western cinema, though latest Jackie Chan movie was a bit schmaltzy! yet still quite good!

Oh yeah and the fucking lunacy of imagining you could manage to sit astride a flying broomstick if it could fly, even with a saddle and stirrups it would just slip round the fucking broom eh! The witches and their broomsticks and flying ointment… hokus poke-arse eh! flying mounted vertically on their broomsticks eh!

One thing I noticed about that recent U.N. Robot conference, the vast majority of the bots were trying to impersonate wimmin like some terrible transvestite… now worlds first “robot CEO” is a female impersonator eh!

“Dictador is for the rebels”???? I’m thinking Darth Vader is not so bad after all! How ironic is that that they use a pun of dictator as their name?

I mean the fact it is allowing the geeks that created it to put a wig on it and call it “a lady” (the closest those geeks will ever get to a “babe” eh!) proves it is not an AI, just a homunculus/golem/shoggoth…

so I looked up “shoggoth” on google to check it would point anyone doing the search to the correct source “At the Mountains of Madness” and it did and also that someone in mainstream also picked up on it…

NY Times – The Shoggoth, a character from a science fiction story, captures the essential weirdness of the A.I. moment.

Well, they still miss the point the shoggoths became a problem to their creators “the old-ones”.

Which is kind of the Greek Gods story eh! Created rebels against Creator. Guess I’m Nth generation rebel becomes/yet-to-become Darth Vader/Judge Dredd. (still a lab rat eh! being told I live in a “Democracy” eh!)

Just because you cannot hear anything, do not think you should not do Darth Vaders “Green Cross Code” Look Left, Look Right, Look Left again!

The order of that code depends on what side the traffic is in your country, you always start on a near-side pavement, so anyway look all ways at least.

So the example I have is a corner (trickier than just crossing the road as multiple threat vectors including behind you) close to home, I am someone that appreciates audio input as a sense, could not hear much so assumed nothing coming, but did the check, and some large electric 4×4 was right on me, and I reckon could not have stopped if I had walked out, so anyway, say it again, green cross code eh! look before you leap!

Way back when in this battery vehicle society leaflet or elsewhere they were talking about the silent danger and needing fake engine-audio, milk floats eh! possibly a few accidents with them but slow enough for some sudden avoidance on the pedestrians part….

THINK! First find the safest place to cross
STOP! Stand on the pavement near the kerb
USE YOUR EYES AND EARS! Look all around for traffic and listen
WAIT UNTIL IT IS SAFE TO CROSS! If traffic is coming, let it pass
LOOK AND LISTEN! When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run or walk diagonally
ARRIVE ALIVE! Keep looking and listening while you cross

bbc radio should be renamed bbc lady-o? world service eh!

at least a four to one “lady” to man ratio… I mean I made a point of observing it every time I take a shit! OK bbc should be called SHIT radio! have to turn it off, it is so shit, before even completing a shit eh!

risten to commie lady-o eh LOL!

Ultimate password type? “risten” and the chinese spies that have observed pronunciation think “they mean listen” LOL

I guess if I need to explain it to someone is that the Chinese spies reporting back could not say listen and would say risten anyway… well, obviously not all chinese, not even that I am singling out the chinese… China is awesome! Korea, awesome! Japan awesome! Taiwan awesome! hope they get it together for benefit of the world! I mean collectively they could be awesome, like Germany, Bismarck bringing together the states…. obviously preferably without the two ensuing world wars which could be really be the usual suspect coronaid fairy-money sorcerers all-over!

ari-baba eh!

It is and is not funny! electric vehicle fire (in a brand new electric vehicle) sinks a ship with 3000 brand-new high-marque cars on it!

And it’s not even the first example of a similar event!

I mean I was into electric vehicles way back when and subscribed to some eclectic electric vehicle society pamphlet, which was cool, soon learnt of the power/weight ratio and energy-store-capability problems!

Electric bicycles only green use of the technology I think! makes cycling easy, though the roads are kind-of too dangerous for every-person cycling… some large vehicle users think they are like some bulky wrestler getting into the ring!

Amazing claim about smart meters (obviously bullshit as to start with to create the new smart meter to replace the existing meter causes pollution and the waste of the old meter, and then the extra energy used for the wifi connection etc. etc.)

But even after that bullshit only way they will save energy if they can cut your supply off at any time of day… in fact it is an idea being floated in the media for sounding-out, will energy blackouts save the climate!

the climate eh!

In fact, if every meter in the UK was a smart meter, we could make CO2 savings roughly equivalent to planting 75 million trees.

email from energy corporat-king

in fact creating all those new smart meters probably effectively (converting units) killed 100 million trees eh!

I reckon the coningsby global-warming-conglomerate-plc temperature sensor is not capable of recording 100 million degrees celsius…

If those pesky russkis miss by a mile or so, may be fast enough to record 400 degrees celsius… but reckon the sensors only do to like 300 celsius eh!

like these so called satellite ground temperatures eh! through clouds and smog and shit eh! sure on the clearest sky sunniest day they will max-out! whereas on a cloudy day they will probably prefer to switch headline temperatures to the world met office standard 2m above ground sensors eh!

Like the author of the harry botter books unpersoned by the harry botter fan club! how queer!

Greta is the exemplum of selecting the perfect figurehead for a cult!

I’m sure the greta will be first to say “you do not understand the science” when my opinion is she is on the autistic spectrum that do not understand much at all! Or that is especially easily programmed.

credit where credit’s due… the hidden hand are cunning as a fox that is dean of cunning at oxbridgevard.

(n.b. Harry Botter – It’s Hokus Poke-Arse, was a Viz spoof back in 2001 which it is amazing to think that only 20 years ago the little-britain emily and florence sketches were still a joke… but, well, I think by that time I had already long since read James Herbert – The Spear which was an interesting play on Klingsor and Kundry, but also generally comic-character evil-nazis, but that only recently I revisited the concept of Klingsor, Kundry and Percival to contemplate, and contemplating that just now, they have folded Klingsor, Kundry and Percival into Yankee admiral-tranny eh! sorcerer of vaccines and genital mutilation, “sexy lady”, and white-knight tranny, boldly going where no man has gone before eh! Star Trek eh! what a sexist tagline LOL To boldly go where no man has gone before LOL)

really it is so massively ludicrous, I mean 20 years ago this was funny now it is still funny but you may be hauled off by the political-commissars for laughing at it! Let me transcribe the bbc website on the characters…

True, Emily used to play left back for QPR, and Florence has a moustache, but make no mistake, these are real ladies and definitely not a couple of rubbish transvestites.

Emily and Florence play mixed doubles

Emily: Florence, do as I do and watch how they don’t suspect a thing. (Calling out) Ready, gentlemen!

Tennis player: Well, have you got any balls?

Emily: Oh no, we are ladies.

Tennis player: Tennis balls…

Emily: Oh sorry, silly me, I thought you meant b****cks.

I guess one of those things that would go over the heads of modern yout is that there was not a wimmins QPR football team in 2003…. or at least back then no-one thought wimmin could play football, and all munters f.c anyway! certainly no wimmin fussball pundits!

Maybe those Greek firefighters that crashed and burned proved what level of incendiary required to start a forest fire.. seemed a small outbreak they were trying to hit!

And they dumped their water load there or thereabouts before crashing… did that flying incendiary cause another fire?

I mean there is a natural cycle of lightning strikes forest fire renewal… but this is not that I think!

If I was a Greek Colonel or above I would run some incendiary grenade tests with air water bomb support! I think the conclusion would be “something strange going on” but still even as a Colonel would have to be biding your time after being sacked even eh!

Admiral to cabin boy eh!

So! anyway? has the bbc done any documentary recently on how great Libya is now after their colour revolution?

Last picture I saw, it is a bombed out hell hole! But sure the bbc can do an attenborough cute-cuddly-polar-bear fix-up take on it eh!

(I mean actually i am all for sending in people that believe the attenborough take on polar bears, especially any management types, to attempt to see precisely how cuddly polar bears are… to establish the precise percentage of polar bears that won’t kill you and leave your corpse in their giant frozen wasteland freezer for later…)

The bbc create a desolation and call it peace eh! the bbc create some phoney imaginationland! unfortunately life imitates shite art!

Seemed to me fifth columnist arson attacks were likely in these europe forest fires, I think those just stop oil types are one candidate, or the immigrant floods.

I think the new global-warming w.e.f. commissars and greenshirts are ends justify the means types believing this is some kind of holy war and they are its troops, priests or even gods!

And some loony immigrant types definitely amongst the latest waves.

Even possibly the black lives matter types, any attack against the white homelands eh! (not that at this rate they will be white for much longer, just charred wreckage mirrors of third world slums eh!)

I think corporal punishment should be reinstated, pillorying etc. especially for the establishment types! I mean have to distinguish between idiots and a careless match/fag-butt/barbecue which needs a level of punishment, but the scale of those fires probably needed a powerful incendiary and the scale of punishment for that in my opinion should be similar to that suffered by those dead burn’t wild goats and the heroic airborne firemen clipped that tree and crashed, those large planes do not handle like a fighter and could probably be improved by more intelligent algorithms for flight control based on lidar input or whatever… could have been airborne or space lasers starting it (the global warming thing is hugely profitable to some) in that case the punishment for those responsible is not describable here.

I wonder if a simple masonic level N handshake/dance was enough to get the suspect off the hook?

I reckon it is odd that in this new snow-white movie they claim dwarves were complaining about casting dwarves as the seven dwarves??? I Thought the seven dwarves were the good-guys! And actual dwarves!

Kind of like the irony in that “life’s too short” I think Warwick is a great deadpan comic!

Or even like that Time Bandits film, one of the best comedies ever I reckon, and with a message, ultimate-evil eh!

I guess they got some dwarves they can pop up saying they won’t be satisfied until cast as Hercules eh!

At the same time I think fundamentally the swine in movie industry did not think any seven dwarves they could cast would be photogenic enough so they prefer to cgi into dwarves a diverse bunch of casting couch types…..