Logic/Rationale check! Can’t import whole of third world so to be fair to them all, import none?

I mean you might say someone is of this or that persecuted persuasion, and indeed as a Christian say certain persuasions are not really acceptable, say for example a psycopath that likes to murder and bully using the shitstem/propaganda-hype like that zelensky get rich quick scheme, I find it ludicrous that ukraine is warning Russia, only with nato psycho-bullies-via-the-shitstem big brothers backing eh!

I mean the ukraine maidan colour revolution thing was mental, people shooting protestors from sniper points, like the whole syria thing, I’m like on the one hand the colour protests were clearly a corporat-king plan, but snipers shooting protesters, I’m more for overt display of power (with restraint) like the Egypt protests where that wimmin-force reporter was groped by the people she was supporting for her reporters-pay! Like yeah the establishment can play whack a mole/protester big-time… But I think even though big crowds in syria/egypt/ukraine protests the majority of all those countries if not pressed-by-shouty-psychos would be for the status quo, certainly not for being turned into some ww1 bombed-out landscape if they were informed of the actual choices. The Libya before and after/present-time images eh! Sure some worse than Qaddafi warlords there now!

And as for these immigrants to britain presently (last 40 years), is there any polling firm not run by foreign interests of one type or another? that could be trusted to get a genuine poll? out of 1000 londoners as a representative sample of britain no-LOL

Pol-Pot had a point, those intelligentsia are sell-out agents of bigger-money! Not that in a fair society the skilled should not be rewarded well, nor that the laborours should not also be paid well! but so say all people are equal is not the same as saying they all have some intrinsic right to exist, like the yank right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness… but not in the form of the classic south park “Guitar Queer-O” where they had the spoof console game “Chase the Dragon”. These homeless druggies are a blight when there is no reason they could not be a bit productive, like in a nice homeless-druggy concentration camp, and train them to keep it nice!

Funny to think that the justice system is probably also going to say they cannot house the immigrants in tents either! (two boats refused docking and the barge unusable)

Suggest housing the worst immigrants in the temple (the templar-bar) eh! maybe attitudes would change! A lawyer can’t get from one chamber to another without being stabbed, raped and mugged at least once LOL (though the may enjoy the being raped eh! my theory is the state of the cuntery is directly proportional to the number of private and other school sado-masochist-perverts at the cuntrols)

got a tendency to hop around my topics, but I find it quite funny that that whatever-the-witches-name-is that wrote the harry botter novels has been unpersoned by the “harry-botter-fan-club” – it’s hokus-poke-arse! it is fucking lunacy, chopping tits off or these t-pots playing at playing quiditch without actual flying broomsticks eh! how fucking ludicrous eh! OK flying micro-nuke-plant powered broomsticks may be on the scientific horizon but…. well, they did do that lesser known film recently about a near future extreme body-mod society… kind of hellraiser… of course she/he/it has not been debanked eh! having done such great service to witchcraft eh! not that I hold farage up as any hero, either a stupid c@nt, or an evil c@nt I reckon, obviously he was not debanked for not having enough money eh! the massive lies about brexit eh! like he did not know exactly how it would play out with any slight knowledge of logistics eh! reminds of this fat-bully low/middle manager was bought in by the management to de-employ anyone the office zeitgeist did not want eh! and promote certain nepotistic mongo remote-drone types.

Of course I am aware of the paradox of observing gravity as some scientific empirical force and not something easily overcome by praying to the right deity/judges-boss. Flat-Earth eh! let’s say I have read 2000AD “Maze World” all you really know is what you were taught, and the ruler has an evil-magician accomplice… And I would say of China if they really reflect their cinema then it seems all pretty much heroic stuff! So much better than western cinema, though latest Jackie Chan movie was a bit schmaltzy! yet still quite good!

Oh yeah and the fucking lunacy of imagining you could manage to sit astride a flying broomstick if it could fly, even with a saddle and stirrups it would just slip round the fucking broom eh! The witches and their broomsticks and flying ointment… hokus poke-arse eh! flying mounted vertically on their broomsticks eh!

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