Like the author of the harry botter books unpersoned by the harry botter fan club! how queer!

Greta is the exemplum of selecting the perfect figurehead for a cult!

I’m sure the greta will be first to say “you do not understand the science” when my opinion is she is on the autistic spectrum that do not understand much at all! Or that is especially easily programmed.

credit where credit’s due… the hidden hand are cunning as a fox that is dean of cunning at oxbridgevard.

(n.b. Harry Botter – It’s Hokus Poke-Arse, was a Viz spoof back in 2001 which it is amazing to think that only 20 years ago the little-britain emily and florence sketches were still a joke… but, well, I think by that time I had already long since read James Herbert – The Spear which was an interesting play on Klingsor and Kundry, but also generally comic-character evil-nazis, but that only recently I revisited the concept of Klingsor, Kundry and Percival to contemplate, and contemplating that just now, they have folded Klingsor, Kundry and Percival into Yankee admiral-tranny eh! sorcerer of vaccines and genital mutilation, “sexy lady”, and white-knight tranny, boldly going where no man has gone before eh! Star Trek eh! what a sexist tagline LOL To boldly go where no man has gone before LOL)

really it is so massively ludicrous, I mean 20 years ago this was funny now it is still funny but you may be hauled off by the political-commissars for laughing at it! Let me transcribe the bbc website on the characters…

True, Emily used to play left back for QPR, and Florence has a moustache, but make no mistake, these are real ladies and definitely not a couple of rubbish transvestites.

Emily and Florence play mixed doubles

Emily: Florence, do as I do and watch how they don’t suspect a thing. (Calling out) Ready, gentlemen!

Tennis player: Well, have you got any balls?

Emily: Oh no, we are ladies.

Tennis player: Tennis balls…

Emily: Oh sorry, silly me, I thought you meant b****cks.

I guess one of those things that would go over the heads of modern yout is that there was not a wimmins QPR football team in 2003…. or at least back then no-one thought wimmin could play football, and all munters f.c anyway! certainly no wimmin fussball pundits!

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