Israel vs. Philistia is kind of brute psycopath vs. clever psycopath.

obviously it’s an admixture of the two on both sides, it’s like which is cleverer strategy, I have my own opinion based on history.

It is actually kind-of the story of Samson… and I think the elite are using sex magic and humans baser desires, which is story of Samson. I think it would be an interesting event, disclosure of all (perhaps many years embedded) trannies. Funny the Samson story is… Samson was the brute-psycopath, but had a small victory at the end… so Samson is more a cautionary tale eh!) Myself I kind of wonder if the choice of the term being “anti-semitic” (by who?) rather than “anti-jewish” is kind of subtle in that that bunch at the controls are more philistine style than israel or judah eh!

World has changed a bit from the era of the Crusader Kingdom in Philistia, the moslems were formidable opponent in the era of horseback and armour-weight vs. speed competition, and more local knowledge on behalf of the moslems…. and still are in a one-on-one all-in-wrestling match.

this is era of permanently circling nuke powered nuke cruise missiles, yanks had that hypersonic thing orbiting for several months and russkis claimed they have nuke powered missiles now…. I guess the yank “glide” missile is nuke powered they just omitted to mention it due to the public outcry that would result eh!

if it does not go nuclear, then still there is a lot of money goes into yank military budget (including bribing foreign officials and owning all mockingbird media) but it’s kind of another this vs. that thing… similar to ww2 conflict, of nazis who were possibly not as corrupt as current yank establishment using real not-quite-ready-yet high-tech. vs. soviets/russians who are like bare-bones kick-ass type thing, though still innovative. Talking of This vs. That, funniest incident in all my time playing the battlefield series was in BFBC2 someone though they could run me over in a humvee, little did they know I was packing AT… stood right in front of them fired and the humvee took off and flew over my head, I did not even get killed LOL… Actually other funny incident was in BFV assaulting some main-base with someone else I dd not know, in another tank, after creating severe devastation and both going, from wounded, to no magic-medic around to dead… other kid says “Lets do that again”, I said, “only in a game…”

Ah! The levels of detail as you move from politics down through backing your proxy down to the skirmish eh! Nice to just bomb them with lawfare eh! especially if you own the judiciary!

It kind of reminds me of the warsaw ghetto uprising, but I reckon the un/israel/nwo plan is to ship the palestinians to europe rather than a concentration camp… or just kill them all. I think that is exactly how they wanted it to look because obviously the justification for ze germans clearing the jewish-warsaw-ghetto where they lived anyway, their natural state… was justification to at least the ze german troops who are the vote-counters/bullet-dispensers to clear the warsaw-jewish-ghetto as germans had been killed. bernays eh! public-relations, now known as “perception management” or “the nudge unit” in modern poo-lie-tickle magician circles eh!

Ha Ha I forgot about robots… No LOL… I think there are certain scientists reckon AI could be worse risk to human survival than nuclear war, and it’s really about handing pull-the-trigger autonomy to the robots eh! Though probably more subtle ways AI is a threat, like just being dependent on them and a massive solar flare wipes out their circuits eh! I think robot default state is probably psycopath… complete disregard for “fleshies” eh!… “fleshies” is a term from a classic term from 2000AD – Robo Hunter – Return to Verdus… you’ll have to read it, but it (All the Robo Hunter dark-comedy 2000AD strip are brilliant, even the Samantha Slade reboot LOL) is so more in depth than asimov, though it’s writer probably had read some asimov.

Was it Tales from the Crypt did that classic Merlin waking from his entrapment, that was such an awesome chivalric tale, (I do not know if Merlin was right in that tale… in fact the tale seems to have disposed of Lancelot the good knight eh!, off to joyeux garde eh! with his new boyfriend eh! Hmmm…. (no the knight-squire thing is not at all homo-erotic as freud would try to persuade you to the contrary… LOL)…. robots animated by magic eh! like metropolis robot-maria eh! It’s funny “Glamour” is a type of magic spell, to cast a “Glamour” on someone, I’ve said it before, I’m shallow as a gnats bidet…

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