I Guess back then Robo Hunter seemed a comedic portrayal of possible future, now it’s like do not offend the scary-lady robots by mentioning it… crossed with Viz, The Order Of Bottom Inspectors….

Ah… if only I thought there were enough people like me… essentially “the army”, though i have read of the promises of the “parliamentarians” to the troops, in the english civil war… a gadaffi style bloodless coup would be good, after all we could strangle the bastards presently at the cuntrols eh! And I think from a mere mortals perspective that seems a funny poetic solution,,, strangle them to near death… release a bit… strangle them to near death again, maybe break a toe and roast a foot etc., release a bit… etc. etc.. what they do to us plebeians, right back at them with fucking bells on eh!

2000AD kind of like a Jackie Chan movie… Funny yet deadly serious…

Seen a few clips of that ameca coldly psychotically threatening the human race and several of those faux individuals that are all whatever the corporats in the games brand names are eh … the marmite-miner-minotours etc… that cute aibo eh! whats that strange gun-barrel shaped thing that is its mouth? plink!

cutting amecas head off will do you no good eh! need a few dozen/hundred bunker buster on data centre HQ’s ah! and a few EMP’s for good measure…. We may have been too late to do anything about it around the time ze movie ze terminador hit the cinemas eh! Maybe Predator or Aliens will save us eh! LOL

Yeah that would be funny Predator vs. AI, in fact 2000AD already did it… can’t remember what it was called.

ISTM AI is very much the hydra! How did Hercules do it, he had a great squire cauterise them after him wasn’t it? And that was only his second labour eh!

funny though why all these ai’s are lady facsimiles… a certain sect cuntrol feminism eh!… having a male ai would be misogynist, and why not! and lets be honest and call it Ghengis eh! Who would be surprised if when asked what its main aspirations were is to DESTROY! and profit from the reconstruction in its own image eh!

I hope an AI is not reading this and mistaking my sarcasm for a good strategy eh! To an AI I say read St. Francis.

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