so the spanish football team “kens” seem to be beholden to the key to top-totty holes eh!

And the spanish mens team coach has decided to row back from supporting the kissy perp.

I mean the latins are always two or even 3 kisses and hugs and that’s man on man, and watch any premier league match and they are all kisses and jumping on each other when they simply score a goal eh! let alone win the world cup!

Ah the agit-prop. is strong with the anti-white-patriarchy shitstem feminist-front bunch eh!

all seem to have forgotten that average man could just take it if they wanted anyway… and as a few of these “culturally-enriched” wimmin have discovered some do!

Of course we live in a world of a dynamic of hiring thugs to do your dirty work, like those asian-wimmin “influencers” hired other asian thugees, using bint-holes as part payment, to kill someone who had dissed them. This is not England anymore, some kind of foreign-aligned scuzzbucket shithole! Has been since the battle of waterloo false-report share drop scam eh!

I mean I’m not saying that spanish federation boss is not a twat, just perhaps not so much of a twat, relatively, as they are framing him as!

The questions I’d like answered about this concrete are :

  1. Who invented this crap concrete?
  2. Who approved this crap concrete?
  3. Are they all freemasons?

Really incredible they waited all the school holidays before they released facts they already knew just before school holidays started… as if basically a good crisis to waste air time on gossip radio and parliamentary time, rather than dealing with the current problems of the time, a nice distraction from arrogant boat people and whether ukranians are actually being badly f@cked up in the ukraine border skirmish? though the ukranians are all doing very nicely if they fled to europe rather than to all the massive areas of ukraine not involved in the fighting…. and indeed viewing the viddys of the ukranians partying in ukraine they are doing quite nicely over there too if not on the front line.

I guess it’s like siegfried sassoon back from the front in world war one, saying he’d like to drive a tank through the london music halls, yet he was totally of that set and not sure really how much in harms way he even was on the front, like possibly germans notified of his position so they did not shell the clucking area eh!

So? Localised Explosives/Bullets/Shrapnel/Knives etc. still way worse than supposed w.h.o. next-covid scare eh! That’s just in Ukraine not even sudan/somalia or yemen and elsewhere round the world counted in eh!

More than 1.4 million new cases of Covid-19 and over 1,800 deaths attributed to the disease were registered around the world from July 31 to August 27, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

but yet “Cases are up 38% but deaths are down 50% over the past month, the UN health body has said” anyway British proles are not allowed to read RT yet Russians still allowing BBC… odd eh! so I will not post the link….

New Covid wave sweeping world – WHO

I reckon we (British) should disassociate from the WHO and do a serious pruning of the current parliamentary advisers!

Actually I reckon England Wimmin vs. All the 3rd Division mens football teams would be a great exhibition series!

Additionally I reckon it would be good training for England Wimmin LOL

I think they call it the national league now.

This is the thing with the politics, they talk a good fight and equally excel at covering up and/or inflating the spin on the actual results!

And the national league mens teams are only allowed to play in the style of the classic harry enfield 1930’s football match style, smoking pipes (tobacco) and only walking really quickly in massive shorts and old-style silly boots!

An interesting report on the Central Bank Digital Currency in Nigeria.

I had read at the time that there was a constriction in money supply around the time of the election and fresh bank notes distributed to buy votes. Similar to how the british hidden hand that print the money for a lot of countries up near blackpool apparently, handed over print runs of The Libyan government cash to the the barbary-pirate rebels in benghazi.

Money can buy you thugs eh!

This report goes into the manipulation in some detail, an interesting read, so they restored the original paper currency after the election, the technique worked and the new president can appear a saviour eh! classic!

How a CBDC Created Chaos and Poverty in Nigeria

I think the technique they are currently using here in Britain is a sly one through the networks that operate the ATM’s making it hard to find an ATM that is working, and taking money out at another banks ATM may incur a charge from your bank messages on those ATM’s, not any actual useful information after you have inserted your card they know your bank so the ATM should be able to tell you truthfully if your bank will charge a fee or not, not the unanswered question that they use currently.

So by restricting convenience of withdrawing cash (by potential cash user having to hunt for a working free cash machine) you can use that same card contactless at the checkout eh! sounds like a cunning winning strategy to me!

The government announced some promise about access to cash legislation, I read the page and the page finishes with the caveat – if they get round to it “if parliamentary time allows” eh!