so the spanish football team “kens” seem to be beholden to the key to top-totty holes eh!

And the spanish mens team coach has decided to row back from supporting the kissy perp.

I mean the latins are always two or even 3 kisses and hugs and that’s man on man, and watch any premier league match and they are all kisses and jumping on each other when they simply score a goal eh! let alone win the world cup!

Ah the agit-prop. is strong with the anti-white-patriarchy shitstem feminist-front bunch eh!

all seem to have forgotten that average man could just take it if they wanted anyway… and as a few of these “culturally-enriched” wimmin have discovered some do!

Of course we live in a world of a dynamic of hiring thugs to do your dirty work, like those asian-wimmin “influencers” hired other asian thugees, using bint-holes as part payment, to kill someone who had dissed them. This is not England anymore, some kind of foreign-aligned scuzzbucket shithole! Has been since the battle of waterloo false-report share drop scam eh!

I mean I’m not saying that spanish federation boss is not a twat, just perhaps not so much of a twat, relatively, as they are framing him as!

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