So I mentioned “Ideological takeover” in another post… This is Great Viddy on 60’s Chinese newsreel ideology! The Chinese A then H Bomb eh!

I mean I thought the viddy may have some actual factual use in the animals they allegedly pulled out of the blast range and the seeds they grew in contaminated soil….

But the real thing about how they had the workers studying Mao’s little red book with religious fervour whilst doing it in the framing of the newsreel! Oh and the shots of the happy proletariat all fighting each other to receive the flyers/news of the events eh!

Great Stuff! (from a propaganda perspective wondering who fell for it ?and why?, or even how true it was…)

The yank troop info films showing them doing similar with putting troops a few km from real bomb tests to familiarise them with, well the next few days after eh! May get shot before the radiation sickness hits eh!

Chinese Nuke Bomb Test Newsreel

Has anyone released any N-Bomb test footage? Or is 9/11 best footage of an N-Bomb effect or multiple small N-Bombs?

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