Looks like EDF Energy possibly made £8 Billion off the British and Passed it on to the French consumer!

Looks like EDF Energy possibly made £8 Billion off the British and Passed it on to the French consumer!

The French have a huge price cap, like the French consumer only paying 19 pence a unit…. less than it allegedly costs EDF to produce.

But that boils down to the “market rate” thing it’s not cost to produce it’s just less than market rate… but realistically who else are the French going to sell electricity to? Power line transmission loss is massive… we are the only ones close enough… tell the we will pay them less and I guess they could dial back their reactors a bit, what is missing is the difference between market rate and cost-to-produce rate.

Plus seems some “creative accountancy” regarding their decrepit fleet of nuke power stations… And also in the whole explanation that their retail arm is not the one making the money because their supply arm are charging their retail arm more money for the energy… but… it’s all the same fucking company… no money travels outside the company, if their energy manufacture arm charges their energy supply arm more, the same fucking company are still making all the fucking money!

(though still do have to factor in potentially 8 ticking time bombs in the form of the decrepit nuke power plants…. but this is all related to the ludicrous net zero shit… they have nothing to replace gas/oil and coal.)


“That cost the group €8.2bn (£7.3bn) in the year, it said, which effectively wiped out the €8.7bn (£7.8bn) it made from “market price rises passed on to customers”.

They may also sell to Spain, but like the French they are only paying about 19 pence a unit for Electricity, so we seem the mugs that are paying them massive amounts per unit and subsidising their whole operation.

Another interesting thing is the business rate in France is cheaper than the consumer rate, here small business is being crippled by the outrageous rates ofgem have allowed.

Basically if the British government have not got electricity generation to satisfy the needs of the British public, then it’s another in the long lib-lab-con catalog of failures or outright lies!

brexit eh! what a massive con sold to the patriotic British people eh! Take control of our borders eh! Ha Ha fucking Ha. ffs they are spending way more defending ukraines borders when the actual ukranian border regions may be in favour of seceding from ukraine.

Macron today was saying now is not the time to dialog with Russia, firstly I thought, well when is the time to start dialog? Then it occurred to me, obviously while the French are so effectively bleeding us the British for energy prices, why would they want the war that is source of their profit to stop?

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