British Gas / Centrica profits triple to £3.3 Billion pounds

16/2/2023 – Centricas profits triple

The story laughingly talks about demands for a windfall tax on the energy companies, which will never get back to the native British population it was taken from, when what should be being called for is ofgem mounted on spikes outside parliament and a two thirds refund on your energy bills.

Have to wait for the accounts of the other big UK energy suppliers but reckon they will be in the same ballpark. Seems to me what they (our government and their corporat-king partners) have done is Robbery with Menaces! The vaccine rollout and these energy price rises by ofgem. And sending all britians weapons to Ukraine (though the latter probably a master stroke, no military coup possible and cannot defend ourselves against yankee corporat-king un takeover should it happen. seems to me, a secret un army quite possibly being the recipient of lots of these weapons being shipped supposedly to ukraine, I mean the yanks recently announced they can’t account for a missing N TRILLION dollars of military expenditure again! the last time being just before 9/11 when they announced they could not account for $3 TRILLION in military expenditure, then the pentagon accounts office investigating it got allegedly hit by a fucking airliner eh! $3 TRILLION That’s a lot of luxury bunker complexes eh! And secret armies eh!)

The possibility exists actually it was planned as a stealth tax raid on the population… put energy prices up massively, prompting calls for a windfall tax on…. “the energy companies” eh! subtle! To me, from my observations, the sort of subtle you would expect from the’s at the cuntrols!

Such a mindbogglingly dumbed down population! That think they are trendy and clever eh! Because they know the tittle-tattle that such and such is fucking so and so behind whojeemaflips back eh! Or because they are in a thruple eh! Or whatever other crap mousebait the Psy. Co. (psychological manipulation company) establishment has laid before the populace. Idiocracy for sure. And funnily enough the story above it on the dm page is exactly of that ludicrous style, daily mail agony aunt… daily mail chose to highlight a mumsnet story “A woman looking for love has revealed her confusion after realising a man she has been dating hadn’t asked her any questions in three days.” I remember a funny Sean Locke segment where he talked about going on mumsnet LOL

My advice would be to turn off your television and limit your internet use.

I guess as they have a lot of data from people playing stuff like GTA or whatever online on their servers (which means all your moves go into their database, they can see exactly how any individual plays) they have a lot of insight into a portion of people which is also useful to them, and all the information on what web links people follow from the selections presented, probably another big insight into controlling the masses. So seems they are quite confident in their proletariat fleecing operations.

Could be my advice to go off the internet could of itself highlight any individual as potentially problematic as their usage had gone below “norms”… perilous times!

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