israelis put on their magic yellow badge at the UN, UN says, “Oh! you poor things, you carry on slaughtering civilians as much as you like” eh!

and the daily mail obliges them with a little photo montage eh!

And that hollywood nobody is still top billing main headline days after, today it’s some z-list woman claiming fame by association, his “ex fiance” eh!

I reckon theres a couple of caveats to “if it bleeds, it leads” and they are :- except when israelis are slaughtering palestinians (just collateral damage eh!) and when a black kills a white in britain (just collateral damage eh!).

Personally I’d look at any video of that ice hockey “accident” very closely, and indeed the whole game.

addendum: just saw video of the incident, not sure how someone can accidentally side kick someone in the throat… seems no feasible reason the black player could have accidentally side kicked the white player in the throat. Looks deliberate.

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