Supermarket “own-brand” stuff flies under the inflation radar?

So funnily I thought I would check if this supermarket had cut the alcohol amount in this ginger wine and fortunately still had the bottle I had from last week or this particular shrinkflation would have flown under my radar… as the alcohol percentage is not mentioned on the receipt.

So this bottle of green ginger wine last week was 15% alcohol, yesterday the clucking thing was only 8% alcohol for the same price… or nearly 50% shrinkflation!, very subtle shrinkflation because there’s still 70cl of something in the bottle! But at 8% I think it should be called “flat ginger beer”.

I have an intuitive feeling that by quantity over last 5 years the supermarket own brand stuff was a large percentage of what a supermarket sells but that none of it gets put in an establishment inflation-measuring shopping basket. I reckon they should still have all the data and prices and that a study of that could be made if their was any inclination so to do… but last thing government/banksters-establishment wants is proof inflation is worse than they say it is eh! And of course the whole selection of the parts/items of the shopping basket has a big effect on the overall resulting inflation statistic of the basket… Nowadays should be able to measure inflation based on the sales quantities of each given item in a shops inventory as all the data is on computer eh! So they are using a 50 year old method to calculate inflation and that would seem to be because improving the calculation by making it full database based and using some algorithm that could identify baskets of socio-economic groups would only generate less conducive statistics.

I think it would be useful to identify the cause? Spiv-Swine-supermarkets? The graduate/under-graduate and assorted figurehead dweebs who quite possibly could not tie their own shoelaces, Green lobby, wanting to price the poor out of life? direct result of brexit? direct result of covid lockdown and paying trillions to pharma companies? direct result of invasion-level immigration? direct result of shoplifters-lives-matter?, direct result of encouraging proxy-war with Russia? (ironically as a result of which the Russian economy is booming, and Russia’s position on the global world stage is also not doing too bad eh! (The UN security council not included as UN is in US eh!) whilst ours sinks into the feminista, tranny, colour/sex-bending, sex-case, quaqmire! scared of any imaginary spivery that the government uses psychological warfare to ram into your psyche. The Hyena pack matriarchy eh!)

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