A Friend said to me his car did 60mpg! A few years old… unleaded… worlds leading european brand…

have you seen those pictures of petrol generators behind e.v. chargers that do like equivalent of about 6mpg, so that some pontificating c@nt can charge up their “non polluting” electric vehicle?

I mean yeah, town use e.v.’s like the old tram rail type system with ground pickups for power/recharging around a defined route would be cool… but realistically e.v.’s for travel istm are not as ecological as an efficient petrol engine car. Nor even worth scrapping a bit less ecological car for!

I mean those e.v. battery fires… the poisonous fumes they produce eh! way worse than any standard car pollutant now that t.e.l. (tetra-ethyl-lead) is banned.

So to ban petrol cars is such a ludicrous thing to do… I mean since 9/11 or even nato bombing civilians in Serbia for a bunch of moosephlegm tools in bosnia before that… I am resigned to not holding my breath for sanity to return to England.

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