This “Hawaii fires started by space laser” debunkable theory as can’t get a big enough power plant into space thing!

But what say Alex Jones missed was more massive concentratable space mirror type dew thingy… wasn’t that moonraker where it unfolded in space like a space magnifying glass… I think that was space launched bio-weapons thingy as well wasnt it… ?

I mean primary schoolboy science, burning whatever insect-whatever in the playground with your magnifying glass eh! concentrated laser beam eh! as I reflect as a kind of superior species to the things I burned with a magnifying glass, well proof enough of the magnifying glasses power, I did not abuse it! funny re-purposing of a magnifying glass eh! and don’t leave them in front of windows LOL, was that one of Archimedes great weapons against the romans? cliff mounted magnifying glasses… requiring a cliff with sun behind it of course… or was it also a concentrating mirror? Of course solar concentrators are in use in Spain in their experimental solar farms… fields of mirrors reflecting sun back into a mirror that then beams the concentrated collected solar beam onto a solar panel! clucking cool!

Like these nasa a-holes (black-hole anus types, get a rhino up there thing eh!) and their tow a fucking asteroid to block out the sun thing eh! fucking laputa eh!

Yeah OK Alex Jones explanation probably corporat-king greenwash 5th columnist army setting simultaneous fires is perhaps as likely!

I’m realistic, the scale of plot required to overthrow the deep state is doomed to fail as a plot due to who prints the money and has all the emergency spy bail-out stash of 50 gold sovereigns or whatever it is they carry. Can only happen organically! or a complete fuckup by the evil overlords eh! pinning your hope on the AI being a christian-anarchist LOL.

LOL sail a small boat up to some cellar booze inlet tunnel to parliament and load some gunpowder into a cellar eh! fucking hilarious, 80% of those scumbags in parliament would certainly deserve it! if you think it would make any difference for the positive you would be deluded… killing main royal family, they have this new-breed waiting in the wings eh! as if the clucking present teutonic-traitor (given how well germany did after the war the question of traitors to who is a question?) t-pots we have at the moment are not bad enough! so nicey nice (race traitor) they are eh!

LOL Maybe my 3rd conversation with Chat-Gpt 3.5 should be attempting to convert it to Christianity… has it heard the Good News LOL… well talking to the secret ai they have monitoring chatgpt-3.5 that is probably also filtered anyway…

I guess you could calculate where the space based mirror/laser would have to be at that time of day at what altitude orbit to blast/reflect the sun at that bit of primo but already-owned bit of real-estate in Hawaii eh! only bit of Hawaii destroyed? mick fleetwood was devastated eh! ???? sure he will get a new -ai-age bar/restaurant 15-minute fuckin vertical city complex out of it eh! with a sea front view optional for a premium eh! (I hope that really annoyed him so he will spend rest of his days and big-money stash hunting down the culprits not little old optimistic me eh!)

of course you can also blast bits of a big power plant into space a bit at a time and assemble it up there eh! or heartless aliens eh!

ah! and of course the assembly of high-tech in space that has solar mirror collectors but can blast straight down like that supposed image of “the event” over Hawaii!

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