A.I. Might destroy the world if “bad actors” get their hands on it ???? Bad Actors have bought it all up already eh?

A.I. Might destroy the world if “bad actors” get their hands on it ???? But surely Bad Actors have bought it all up already eh!

OpenAI… what exactly is open about it? nothing! it is closed source owned by microsoft. And the only reason public access to it is market research on what people use it for and actually training it in real world.

I think the argument that if it is open source it will be OK is also false… who can afford the server farms of supreme graphics/a.i. processors that it needs to run on.

(If people believe in a benevolent dictatorship or that the bankers are “here to help!” they should be stupid enough to vote for me LOL)

It is already out of control if you ask me! Though the Hilary Clinton endorsing De Santis deep fake was quite funny and well done… Hail Hydra!

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