Election Policy Promise – I will round up the entire British establishment and sell them to Africa to work in the cobalt mines!

What you might call a win-win situation, it will :

a) Get rid of the Scumbag, Scumbag, Shyster and Saboteur PLC. corporation that run this cuntery

b) provide reparations to Africa in exactly the form it was taken from it. African slaves were captured by Africans and sold to whites/jews/arabs/ottomans/turks, I propose Capturing the british establishment and selling them to Africa. Don’t know what the equivalent modern day unit slave price is, but I should also be quids-in LOL! One caveat, any nubile women rounded up will have to undergo a holding period so I can get them all pregnant before shipment, and all the fuglies will be impregnated by volunteers from my tyger collective… may as well ship some anchor babies over as well and use their modern takeover technique against them too!

Vote for Me! And a Future for White Britain!

(And! I think if you polled the Congolese working in the cobalt mines if they would like to be slave drivers of the former british establishment skivvying in the mines, they would be 100% in favour of electing me LOL!)

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