Selection of Contrail Satellite images

Selection of images from Dundee Satellite Receiving Station that show contrails turning into cloud and in some places seems to me large heavy cloud formations caused by falling contrail particulates. These have a very straight line overall theme.

One thing not obvious from the satellite images is the altitude of the clouds vs the altitude of the contrails. The contrails I think are much higher altitude than the clouds, based on my observations that when rarely the clouds clear in England you can then see the contrails/chemtrails/pollution-trails against the blue sky.

I think image 1761 shows what I mean, the cloud below could easily be (and seems to me likely to be) caused by the constant contrails on that atlantic route and would mask the evolution of the contrails above. As for image 1761 I guess if you were “sherlock” you might ask… “how come those contrails do not exceed the area of the low masking-cover cloud below”?