Two things it seems to me you cannot criticise eh! trannies (and the dom-hags/lgbt-feminists) and “the jewish state” eh! well and the immigration thing so cannot criticise one thing eh! the scurvy-schwab its-economics-stupid zeitgeist…
And the interesting/logical-economics thing about the child-trannification thing getting out of hand is that the brand name drugs/hormones/chemicals they give to the kids/any-wannabe-tranny, so I read, are some of the most profitable drugs on the market for the pharmaceutical companies!
And it occurred to me the other day, the only positive message they have for white-children in school nowadays is “any girl can do anything any man can do”, and “you can change sex if you want to”! (both logical fallacies istm) Other than that it seems it is all “white-people bad”! (and that is probably part of the covert end of the marketing campaign for the tranny drugs…)
addendum: funny story where the mainstream media (you-know-who’s-feeds) were seriously taking the piss out of the obviously somewhat-‘tarded Greta where she was saying “israel is global warming” which may be very ironically true.. the spark that triggers a lot of local extreme warming events (i.e. nukes going off all over the place)… Greta is rather like madass of iraq, useful while useful, disposable when disposable…